
nathan1982 avatar image
nathan1982 asked

Orion smart TM charging my smart LiPo sporadically in my 2017 sprinter.

It will go in and out of bulk mode, stop charging while driving etc. Could a flat starter battery effect how it charges?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

What is the voltage of the Starter Battery? Monitor the voltage accurately, while the issue is occurring. Do you have a "smart" alternator?

Yes, get your starter battery tested, if you think it is weak.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It's probably the smart alternator. Take a look at the engine detection settings, including the cut out voltage. There's a setup guide in the manual, you may want to down the latest pdf version from the Victronenergy web site.

If you don't get the automated side working, look at providing an on/off signal to the Orion LH setup options and a switched feed from the ignition. Radio wiring is a good source gor the signal.

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