
icey avatar image
icey asked

ASS000001000 Temperature Sensor

Does it matter where I place the temperature sensor? Positive or Negative terminals?

Venus GX - VGX
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pstabler4 avatar image pstabler4 commented ·

712 instructions

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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

This temperature sensor (used only with a Multi/Quattro/Venus GX) must be mounted on the battery negative (NOT positive).

1561007401969.png (12.0 KiB)
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icey avatar image icey commented ·

Thanks for that, Just curious where you found that snippit? I look but was unable to fine anything in writing

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ icey commented ·

MultiPlus user manual - but I expect the same or similar would be in the manual of any device that uses this particular temperature sensor.

Note that the other temperature sensor type is not compatible & has a different installation (installed on the battery positive & doubles as the positive power). The other type is only used with a BMV or VE.Bus Smart Dongle.

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