
arne-proft avatar image
arne-proft asked

Peak Shaving for loads measured via Energy Meter?

Good day,

i've seen that Venus OS 3.x now has the official abillity for peakshaving. Sure it was capable long before (powerassist) but now it gets an "official touch". Nice, good Job Guys!

But (because of the technical nature of powerassist) it is only for the loads in the AC Outs.

I would love to see real Peak Shaving, i mean for the loads connected to AC-in, measured via a ET530 or ET540. That will be a killer feature.

Is that planned for the Future? I ask because im a Installer and have some industry customers. Some of them (it gets more and more) need this feature but i cannot route all the power through the Multis /Quadros only to have powerassist working.


Arne Proft

feature requestpowerassistpower meter
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·

too quiet here if you ask me whereas this would be a great future !

I think I read a comment of @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) somewhere in the DESS forum that briefly touched this but was unable to find it.

In the Netherlands, 3x25A upgrade to 3x35A is about 1000 euro per year extra. That alone times the lifecycle of the system would be a killer business case as it saves on top of possible PV storage and buy/sell savings.

Homes nowadays go all electric and 3x25A is fine as long as you don't charge cars.

Sure hope someone from the Victron staff can comment. Either confirm or deny this is being worked upon :-)

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 kudos50 commented ·

Found it, it's a little different. Think it's related to DESS charge from grid:

"We are working on a way to account for the loads that will limit the power the system can take. But at the moment that is not available yet."

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ kudos50 commented ·
The Dynamic ESS solutions will also include Peak Shaving. It is being worked on, just not ready yet.
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