
cozzmicc avatar image
cozzmicc asked

Energy via ModbusTCP from Cerbo GX implausible

Hi everybody!

I'm reading from the CerboGX the values of my Solaredge SE10K via ModbusTCP. The values of the total energy makes no sense ( 16647 vs 4745.05). I'm reading the values with QModMaster and my external Energy-Optimizer (Smartfox Pro2). Both the same. Screenshots of Console and Win10. Oh, and beside this, the values of the energy are on an address (+1) not mentioned in the xlsx-file.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks for the help.



cerbo gxModbus TCP
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6 Answers
joeama avatar image
joeama answered ·


I think the numbers you are getting are correct. Modbus registers only store 16 bit values and you are trying to get a 32 bit value.

If you take your 7 and bit shift to the left 16 times you get this number.


If you then add it to the value in the other register you get something close to the value you are after.


Hope this help!

edit: the value you get is in Watts!

1689606050886.png (24.8 KiB)
1689606095047.png (28.4 KiB)
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dansonamission avatar image
dansonamission answered ·

Set your base address to 1 in qmod rather than 0 then you don't need to worry about the plus one.

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cozzmicc avatar image cozzmicc commented ·
ok thanks, that would help, but nevertheless not all adresses are +1, some are right some are not...but the main problem is the energy-abnormity....
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cozzmicc avatar image
cozzmicc answered ·

...nobody has a hint concerning the energy values..?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

I suspect that you are trying to read the value as uint16 but that is a uint32 type.
If you read it as a uint16 (only reading the 16 least significant digits of the 32 bit number) then you will see values like 16647.

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cozzmicc avatar image
cozzmicc answered ·

Thank u very much for four answer. I checked the settings in qmodmaster but i can't change this. With ModbusPoll i tried everything, but there i get the same value seen in the screenshot. The corresponding value in VRM is still different. With QmodMaster the value is the same like in ModbusPoll...

I still can't imagine where the fault is.....



screenshot-54.png (70.4 KiB)
screenshot-55.png (65.1 KiB)
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cozzmicc avatar image
cozzmicc answered ·

thank you for your help, ...very interesting...but if u see, these values you calculated don't match the values of the VRM either...475.399 vs 5023.97...I'm confused....

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cozzmicc avatar image
cozzmicc answered ·

oh u took the values of the first post, with the new values ITS CORRECT !!

Thank u very much for this helpful hint!

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