
David avatar image
David asked

Electric Blanket making Multi Buzz

Off grid house, Multi 48/5000 been running well for 4 years, owner added electric blanket and when its on, the Multi makes a buzzing noise irritating the owner. Attached sound recording and details on the blanket. Is this indicating there is a problem? Another posted question has a reply that the blanket may be chopping the sinewave. Keen to get any thoughts or potential fixes.

Victron buzz.m4a20230629-210745.jpg20230629-210755.jpg

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
victron-buzz.m4a (192.8 KiB)
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No there is no problem in terms of damage. It is the interaction between the blanket electronics and the inverter electronics. You will see if they change heat settings the noise will change.

The only 'fix' is to not use a transformer based inverter like the Multi RS or the Inverter RS.

Or get a hot blanket not made by Jason ;)

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