
peter-tau avatar image
peter-tau asked

Briefly disconnecting battery from grid-connected Multiplus II without shutting down system?

Dear community,

My question concerns a grid-connected Victron Multiplus II system with AC and DC coupled PV. Is there a recommandable way, while being connected to the grid, to disconnect the battery from the Multiplus for the purpose of repositioning the battery without shutting down the Multiplus? Or is there no other way than shutting down, re-arrange the battery and its cabling, starting the system again?

Best regards,

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ponzoa avatar image ponzoa commented ·
I've done it succesfully in the past without any issues. I've always had DC Coupled solar running and producing while the batteries were off though.
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You won't find any official guidance to do that as the inverters are not designed nor supported to run without a battery.

If you can't bypass it, rather power it off and do what you need to do.

It's less inconvenient than breaking expensive gear.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Not to mention it is actually quite dangerous. So health and safety.

....Queue accidentally reversed polarity connection.....

Shut down, install the suggested bypass, do things safely.

What could possibly be so important that you can't shut down?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

This is one reason I recommend a bypass switch around the Multi. That way the grid can be directly connected to the loads and the Multi completely shut down.

Shutting down the Multi when dealing with the DC cabling is highly recommended for safety. A short in the DC wiring while the Multi is powered will result in large sparks and possibly blown fuses internal to the Multi.

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