
Maddy avatar image
Maddy asked

Blue Smart charger storage light stays on even when unplugged


We have a BlueSmart charger (BSC IP65 12/25) that we use daily to charge a 12V battery bank. Our power usage from the battery bank over the past few days has been the same: just some lights at night. In the morning when we plug the charger in (to the AC, the charger leads stay on the battery permanently) it goes through the Test -> Bulk -> Absorbtion -> Float charge cycle, drawing down a fairly large amount of AC current in the process. We usually unplug the charger after it has reached Float.

Yesterday, however, the charger reached Storage mode before it was unplugged. The Storage light stayed on all night despite the charger having no AC power supply, and in the morning when we plugged it in, it commenced pumping about 10A into the batteries (according to VictronConnect). This was despite the battery usage pattern overnight being exactly the same as it was the past couple of days.

Is this intended behaviour? I assume that if I unplug one of the charger leads from the battery, it will reset itself, but if not, how low does the voltage have to drop before it will exit Storage mode, and in the meantime, is the battery being charged fully while the charger is stuck in Storage?

This other question seems similar:

Update: after unplugging the charger from the AC this morning, the lights on the charger went off, and after plugging it in to AC again, it started with 'Test' -> 'Bulk' etc...

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sounds normal.

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