
keves avatar image
keves asked

MPPT 75/15: Does the load output use excess solar power first?

hey there. I consider to buy a MPPT 75/15 & 24V lfp battery.

  • will the load output use excess solar energy first, before touching the battery's energy?
  • what will the voltage at the load output be when I set the battery's bulk-charge voltage to 28.4V? Is there a voltage drop at the load output bc of some switching mosfets or similar?

thanks :)

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The load terminals are connected directly to the battery terminals through a switch in the MPPT. Therefore, when the load is switched on, the battery, MPPT output and load are all interconnected and will be at the same voltage (any switching losses should be small). There is no separate control of the current flowing to the load connection. If the load demands more current than the M is producing then some current will be drawn from the battery. The maximum load should be no greater than the MPPT current rating.

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