
bagg68 avatar image
bagg68 asked

Smartsolar MPPT 75/15 settings issue

My Camper dealership set my MPPT 75/15 battery type preset to "factory default" one year ago. I occasionally check my charging (210 watt panel, 100 AHr Battleborn LiFePO4) and in Southern California summer days it's usually pulling over 140 watts mid day. Yesterday I changed the MPPT 75/15 battery preset to "Smart Lithium LiFePo4" AND updated the MPPT 75/15 to the latest firmware (controller and Bluetooth). Now even no-clouds sunny June SoCal day it's only pulling 6 to 8 watts. Is this because the battery is fully charged and the smart settings are being "smart", or is there a serious problem?

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Put a load and see what happens.

What was the battery voltage?

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bagg68 avatar image bagg68 commented ·

That's what I tried after I posted this question. When I put a load on it the solar watts went up to normal levels, around 125 watts at 4:00 pm. Thank you Seth.

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