Using the BP-100 as a dual battery isolator between cranking/starting and aux batteries. Identical make/model of batteries used. Isolate 12.0V engage 13.0V. Setting 8A.
Issue as follows;
Using 100-140Amp alternators in Toyota's and VW's we found the following;
- if the vehicle is cranked over under 12.0V when the batteries are isolated and left at idle the BP-100 links them back without issue (as the alternator output current is typically 60 ~ 80Amps).
- if the vehicle is cranked over under 12.0V and immediately taken for a drive which pushes the alternator output to near max power output (80 ~ 140Amp), the BP-100 won’t engage and causes the alternator to output erratic voltages upwards of 14-16V which can trigger the vehicles ECU to go into limp mode.
Can Victron replicate the same issue and potentially a firmware update should solve it as I don’t believe it’s a hardware limitation as the BP-100 can handle a 600Amp peak? The BP-100’s should do it with ease.