
melchior-sohilait avatar image
melchior-sohilait asked

Produced heat multiplus II 48/10K/140-100

Hi we are currently desining a system with 3 multiplus II 48/10000/140-100.

What’s the teperature produced of each multiplus at an cont. Output of 8000w?

We know already that the room were the units Will be placed will get verry hot, and in order to calculate the size of the airconditioner we want to know how much heat these units will produce.

Multiplus-IIsystem designtemperature
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Melchior Sohilait

Simplest way is efficiency. What ever percentage it is efficient at the rest is lost to heat.

E.g. 94% efficiency on a 10kva means 6% lost to heat which is 600W so cooling for that.

Don't forget mppts and battery bms warming. And cable warming and bus bar warming and ambient which you have already noted.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

I do not know about the 48/10000, but I have a MultiPlus-II 24/5000 and was forced to run a Generator for 24 hours LAST WINTER at -18°C to charge my Batteries and the room, where the MultiPlus-II is installed has 3,7m² and 6,5m³ and heated up to +15°C.

Are you sure, you want to install an energy hungry, AC?

Why not use simply a big ventilator to blow cold sir from outside into the room?

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