
joe420 avatar image
joe420 asked

some questions

Hi, I have a new System with 4,2kwp solar via 3x mppts a MP2 5kva and ~20kwh Battery Smartshunt and cerbogx.

Now for the software questions.
I have grid, but I can not feed back to it.
The System is just to Power some Servers.
I have connected the MP2 to the house for grounding reasons, but I have disabled the charger via inverter only switch. I am from Austria and down’t want to register the system for now, so it should be an island.
Now for my question, should/can i use ESS?
Maybe someone also living in Austria can give me some legal advice.
I'm in a rental house and can not permanently set up the solar system and register it fully.

If that's not appropriate for asking here, feel free to delete it. Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

these sorts of questions you will find hard to get answered as its a legal and safety issue.

so you will just have to read the manuals and test it yourself. and you should not export back to the grid without registering. if the grid bill is in your name then you maybe able to register it.

get advise from your local victron dealers as they know the laws etc in you area

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