
Masquelier Pierre avatar image
Masquelier Pierre asked

can't activate LAN on Easy solar 2 GX

I do not activate VRM on LAN. The wifi is very bad (long distance) and i must put an amplifier to connect the wifi. With the amplifier i had 23% of connectivity. (very bad). I can have a LAN câble, but i can't activate the LAN for VRM. What's happen?

On my lan router I can see my victron

I can acces VRM only by wifi, but i have a lot of network outages..

But if the wifi link if bad, I don't see the complete cutoff of the venus. the router keep already the connexion with the VENUS, but the VRM not. The Venus does not reboot, to pass on the LAN. as explain in the documentation. See the mac adress are not the same on the two links. Why?

lan ccgx
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2 Answers
Masquelier Pierre avatar image
Masquelier Pierre answered ·

When I read 5 documents Easy Solar, Mltiplus, Venus OS, Cerbo, CCGX, I synthetis the connectivity issue like this:

The Venus can use LAN connectivity with VRM only if Venus is connected on internet.

If it tru, how venus must be connected on internet?
And if Venus is connected to internet, the VRM can be connected to Venus. The functionality describ in the EasySolar or Multiplus is only BlaBla...
Vrm is Only accessible by Wifi? in that case yes absolutly.

If wifi is deficient, how we can't have a solution to solve the issue with long distance ...even with a WiFi amplifier. how much amplifier does it take for 23m of "long distance" communication between Venus and router?
It is an insidious joke highlighted only if one reads 5 documents. each document contains no clear behaviour to connect correctly VRM to venus or cerbo. There is a local inversion of product names that does not help to read between the lines of each document.
Victron: Please simplify the system reading: how?: use the forum with clear FAQ about limitation of product.


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, please don’t post multiple topics on the same subject.

English doesn’t seem to be you primary language, why not publish in the French channel where you are likely to have a better experience.

You can access that via the Spaces link at the top.

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