
Florian Rada avatar image
Florian Rada asked

EV Charging Station modes - feature request

Please take in consideration to add a mixed mode for EV charging.

I'm charging my 'plug-in' car with 'auto' mode and it's very annoying when the weather outside is sun with clouds. The charging session is started and stopped too many times during instable weather (clouds moving) and after several interruptions my car refused to be charged (I need to unplugged/plugged the cable).

It will be very useful if it can be choose a program like this:

Charge the car similar to 'auto mode', however if PV doesn't have a 1,8kW to keep the minimum charging limit, it should be taken from battery if the SOC level is ok, if the SOC level is not ok it should be taken from grid. This behavior will keep a continuous charging session and during this session if the sun is brighter the car will be charged with more then 6A limit.

Otherwise, if I just select manual mode 6A limit and the sun is shinny I waste the charging opportunity.

This program should have the option to be scheduled too.

ev charging station
2 |3000

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