
bgg1103 avatar image
bgg1103 asked

Help! Only 200A to Multiplus 12/3000

I am installing my first solar system. My family and I were on a very tight budget for our solar project. I did bite the bullet and bought the Multiplus 12v/3000, but for batteries, I had to go with cheaper batteries on Amazon. I bought two Lossigy 12v 200ah batteries, which I thought would give me 400ah. However, yesterday, I looked closer and they only put out 100ah continuous each. My heart dropped because I cannot return them. I can probably scrounge up another $600 for another battery, but that is still only 300a going to the Multiplus (minimum suggested is 400a). I have no idea what to do, and my family and I have to move out/depart in two weeks. And I don’t want to damage the Multiplus.

What are my options? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Multiplus-IILithium Batterybatterysolarinverter current draw
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The multi will still work, but make sure you keep the AC loads down and don't draw high loads for too long. Also check the battery charge rate is able to take the multiplus output.

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