
tomholm avatar image
tomholm asked

Charging Lithium from alternator with Battery Link WBL-160

Hello Forum

I need your help to install two Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30 between generator and lithium battery bank on my boat. This is to protect the generator from overheating, especially at low revs.

Engine is a Volvo Penta D2-55 with a standard alternator Mitsubishi 115A (A003TR0091ZT from 2015)

With shore power, charging current flows from the inverter via a WBL-160 Whisper Power Battery Link to first the starter battery, then to the lithium battery bank.

My question is, does the Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30 mount directly between the alternator and starter motor (X)? – or where is it most appropriate?

My challenge is that the current must be able to flow both ways across the Battery Link WBL-160 relay, depending on whether I charge the auxiliary battery (and primary battery) with a 230V External charger or charge the auxiliary batteries from the generator.

I cannot see how this necessary bi-directional function can be achieved (see diagram and description of Battery Link below).

Thanks in advance

Tom Holm




orion-tr smart
img-5970.jpg (2.6 MiB)
img-5971.jpg (4.3 MiB)
img-5972.jpg (4.3 MiB)
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Q1) Do you already have the exact circuit shown in your img_5970.jpg? Because your description ...

With shore power, charging current flows from the inverter via a WBL-160 Whisper Power Battery Link to first the starter battery, then to the lithium battery bank.

Does not match that wiring diagram. In the wiring diagram you supplied , the shore power charging current goes to the secondary battery bank first, then via the WBL-160 to the stater battery. Exactly, opposite of what you stated.

Q2) Are you going to replace the bi-directional WBL-160 with the uni-directional Orion DC-DC?

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