
bwmoore22 avatar image
bwmoore22 asked

Can BMV 712 limit charging current of multiple MPPT 75/10 controllers?

I have a BMV 712 and two SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 charge controllers connected via a VE.Smart network. The maximum recommended charging current for my battery is 20 amps, and it is fused at 25 amps.

I would like to add a third Smart Solar MPPT 75/10 and related panel for better performance in shady conditions, but don't want to exceed the maximum recommended charging current or blow a fuse when all three panels are at full output.

Can the BMV 712 communicate with the SmartSolar controllers and limit the total charging current to 20 amps when they PVs are capable of putting out more than 20 amps?

VE.Smart Network
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No. That is a feature of the GX range under DVCC.

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bwmoore22 avatar image
bwmoore22 answered ·

Thank you for the prompt answer. I've looked at the various GX products and they are probably physically too big--even the Cerbo GX (this is going into a teardrop travel trailer). In doing reading on the GX line, it looks like there is an open source version of Venus OS that runs on some versions of the Raspberry Pi. I've got a compatible Raspberry Pi that I'm not using. Could I use Venus OS on a compatible Raspberry Pi with a to USB cable for each of the three SolarSmart MPPT controllers and one for the BMV-712? I recognize that the Open Source Venus OS is provided "as-is" and that I'm on my own to make it work.

FWIW (I don't need DVCC on these), the rest of the configuration is a Blue Smart IP65 Charger for shore power connection, and an Orion Tr 12|12-9 DC-DC Converter for charging while towing. I would love it if you made a Orion Tr Smart 12|12-9...the Orion Tr Smart 12|12-18 has the potential to blow some fuses in my vehicle wiring.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
For what you want dvcc is what you need.
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VE.Smart Networking Manual