
Robert Krinner avatar image
Robert Krinner asked

Multiplus 24/3000/70-16 cooling fan

Hi! I have a this new Multiplus installed.

I disabled the storage mode. When the unis is in float mode and it get hot in the compartment, bad ventilated small workshop, the internet temp goes up to 50 C. At that stage I get the internal temp warning, flashing red temp light, and the unit stops charging. When the unit cooles down everything is back to normal.

The cooling fan is never working. Is this a fault or a setting issue ? Should it run, even when in float mode there is no execs charging amp ?

Thank you for any tips/hints.

Regards Robert

Temperature Alarm
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Robert Krinner

The fans run when it gets hot.(and should run long before the warning appears to prevent the heat). It usually runs when charging heavily as well and when a large-ish load switches on.

If it is not running and you are comfortable check it is plugged in internally. If it is and still not running, then there is a problem.

2 |3000

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