
saka avatar image
saka asked

Firmware upgrade of "old" phoenix multiplus 12/3000/120 220V

I have and old 12/3000/120 220V model with sticker that says 2021070085. If understand the firmware labels right this seems to indicate that it's a 110V model which it's clearly not. What firmware should I use to get "Victron Connect" compability? or is it not worth the risk here since something seems off?

firmware update
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Wrong sticker :)

Open the front cover and there you will see another sticker on the CPU on the main PCB.

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saka avatar image
saka answered ·

Hmm - that's worse - it seems that I have a too old cpu. there a tag that says 1809146, HEX

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