
tr0y avatar image
tr0y asked

Super Slow Power Transfer 30 Seconds +

A couple of times today, we have cut across from AC shorepower to DC/Inverter AC Power; both times the cut across from shorepower to the inverter has been very, very slow causing AC powered devices to slowdown / stop operating, somewhere in the time of 15 to 30 SECONDS, then power has come back up and works fine. We have switched across 50 or 60 times before with no delay.

Could it be because it is hot ? 106F 41C

Has anyone seen this ?

Basic setup is 24/3000 Multiplus, Midnite Classic 150 CC, 1600W PV making about 65A at the moment, Lithium Tesla Module Battery

dc system
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1 Answer
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Sounds almost like the first time it needs to switchover it goes in to overload
After 30 seconds the Multi tries again and then it works.
Have you loads changed over the years?

best regards
Martijn Coster - Victron Energy

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