If I couple my two PV systems that I have to "ac out" in the remote control settings, I will see a yellow PV tile on the remote control that shows PV production. If I configure them to be on the "ac in" side I don't get/see that tile. Is there a way to accomplish this or am I doing something wrong?
To make it clear: I do have a ET112 configured as a grid meter. Both PV systems are working fine and show up in the device list of the remote control. The (red) ac tile is showing the correct values when feeding in to the grid or importing power from it. The ac load tile (green) also shows the correct valuesthen. I don't have a multiples (yet) in my system. I just want to test out first the Victron remote console and VDM for now to see if I like it.
I would just like to have a tile on the screen showing what the production is from those two PV inverters. Is that somehow possible?
If I configure one of them to be on the ac out side it shows me a PV tile.