
villumstad avatar image
villumstad asked

2nd SmartShunt more than 10m VE Direct cable from cerbo

I have successfully installed batterymonitor on house bank and start battery at the aft of the boat. Installed Cerbo GX also in aft cabin and connected monitor to it via VE Direct cable to follow SOC etc. remotely with VRM. Also Victron MPPT solar regulator connected to Cerbo via VE Direct cable. Works great.

Now I have mounted a second battery monitor (or SmartShunt really) on the thruster battery in the forward cabin. Works fine and i can read it via bluetooth.

But I wouold like to connect it to the cerbo as well and the longest ve direct cable I have found is 10 meter. Which is not long enough.

Are there longer cable available, or are there another soloution to the case?

Or must I accept not to be able to read the state of the thruster battery remotely?

Best regards,


cerbo gxSmartShuntVE.Direct
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered · to USB interface + active USB extension.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

You can try with an VE.Direct to USB cable, but somewhere halfway the distance between Cerbo and the second SmartShunt install a powered USB hub. You might also need a DC-DC converter, if you can't power the USB hub directly from your battery.

Ninja'd again.

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