
philippe-rigollet avatar image
philippe-rigollet asked

output voltage peaked too high


I have installed an EaySolar-II-GX that is currently off grid. It was working fine for 2 days then last w/e it went to 300V and raised an overload L1 alarm whilst I was away. I've been monitoring closely for past 2 days and everything is ok.
Now I'm not sure what happened but I'm concerned it could damage my appliances.


EasySolar All-in-Onealarm
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

this can happen if the systems frequency shift has not been setup correctly. IE if the batteries are full and the sun is shining and you have more solar than whats being used then

1. the inverter cant charge the batteries as they are full

2. the ac loads are not enough to use all the power

this leaves two options as the excess power has to go somewhere


1. the batteries will be overvoltage/charged

2. the ac voltage may go high

3. or both will occur

Whats supose to happen if the assistants are correctly installed and the PV inverter is correctly setup. then the inverter will raise the frequency and this then tells the pv inverter to derate all the way to 100% derate if required. this happens in 10 % deratinbg steps.

so make sure the pv assistant is installed and that the pv inverter is responding

or it will happen again.

when it does happen the inverter will shut down at a saftey level and then restart - but the high volktage will have allready occured.

In you graph you are seeing the shutdown because of a high uncontrolled AC voltage, this can also happen on a high DC voltage as well

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philippe-rigollet avatar image
philippe-rigollet answered ·

I have the ESS assistant installed and my PV are connected to the dedicated connectors (DC). From what I read the Inverter assistant is when connecting AC PV. Am I being misled?

When batteries are charged and there is more sun then it's not supposed to go above 230V. That's the MPPT job, right. And it works all the time ok. Except that time

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you need to test the system that the frequency shift is working and that the PV inverters are shutting down

this will mean that will need to recreate the full battery situation, and a grid disconnection. as this is when it could happen, and then watch the frequency as it should then start to rise from 50hz to 50.1 then 50.2 etc all the way to 53 hz at 50.3hz the pv inverters shoulkd reduce output by 10% then at 50.4 another 10% etc etc at 53 the pv inverters should be off

you may find that the iss only occurs when the batteries are full and the grid fails and solar is outputting more powre than you are usingh in the house and thus you are are using your own micro grid, soi this senareo may not happen very oftern

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Related Resources

EasySolar 1600 product page

EasySolar-II GX 3000 & 5000 product page

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