Hello, I wondered about RCD for Quattro Outputs? They keeps tripping. It is possible to have only one of them active. Either RCD at AC-OUT1 or RCD at AC-OUT2. If I try to switch the second one ON, it will make the first one trip. The connection is very simple. No other appliances are connected before any of the RCD. As far as I know it should work, I'm really puzzled about this.
I siplified the scheme to not draw too many lines from three quattros. AC-OUT L1 is the same inverter as AC-OUT L1, and that goes for all 3 pcs. N is common for all Quattros OUTPUTS, including OUT1 and OUT2 (because they use single terminal at the Quattro). AC-IN Neutrals are separated for all three Quattros outputs as ther should be.
I hope this question is not answered elsewhere. All I found was input RCD tripping (I have no issue with that) or Multiplus RCD tripping, but Multiplus has not single N terminal for both AC-OUTs as far as I know.
RCDs that I use are 30 mA current rated, I even switched one of them for 300 mA current rated but it did not changed a thing. Can you please help me? I would like to start using the second output. Thank you, Miroslav, Czech Rep.