
james-simpson avatar image
james-simpson asked

Connecting 5x Pylontech US500 batteries to Lynx distributor

Hi, Please could I ask some advice?

I’ve got 2 Pylontech US5000 batteries and a Lynx distributor, with a Multiplus II 48/5000/70 inverter. I have 8kW of solar through two MPPTs. The batteries are daisy chained in parallel with one set of Pylontech 2m cables to one of the central fused spaces on the Lynx bus bar. The other three fused spaces are taken up by the Multiplus and two MPPTs.

I am adding 3 more US5000 batteries making a total of 5. I was hoping to “double up” the 2m wires, one pair from the top of the bank and one from the bottom, with daisy chained parallel connections in between, connecting each of the five batteries together. I realise that the cables are rated for 120A only and that with this size battery pack there is a potential current flow of many times this. However, with my size solar array and inverter I will not exceed approx 150A (peak). I also have the option of using DVCC to limit the charge current too.

I also realise that in a perfect world I would buy an even number of batteries and split them equally, along with another Lynx too, however the budget is not endless and I’d like a safe but pragmatic solution.

All of the fused slots on the Lynx are taken. I’m aware that you can “mod” the Lynx to gain extra fused slots on either end. Indeed in the manual it says that you can connect loads or batteries to the end connections which are usually used to connect multiple Lynxes together (with an external fuse). However, if doubling up the cables I would want the resistances to be matched to maintain balance, so presumably if I connected a second set of leads this way the relative resistances wouldn’t be matched so that wouldn’t be ideal?

Could I move the Multiplus to the end connectors of the Lynx, with an appropriately sized external fuse, leaving 2 matching central spaces on each bus bar for both sets of battery leads? Would that be an acceptable solution to achieve balance and a safe solution without breaking the bank? I would then implement a DVCC current limit for an additional safety margin, although I can’t see how my set up could exceed 240A.

Thanks in advance!

Pylontechlynx distributor
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2 Answers
ernst-lopes-cardozo avatar image
ernst-lopes-cardozo answered ·

@James Simpson Essentially, you are doubling the cross-section of your DC cables. So, why not connect the two plus cables (one from the bottom of the stack and one from the top) to a single bolt on the Lynx, and the same for the two minus cables.

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mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Have you considered using the 6 Way Mega Fuse holder? A separate fuse for each battery (+) wire. And then use a (-) Terminal Bus to combine the (-) battery wires. Then a short but fat (+) wire and a short but fat (-) wire to the Lynx. All (+) battery wires are the same length. All (-) battery wires are the same length.

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