
carsten2 avatar image
carsten2 asked

Create new canbus driver

I have a canbus enabled charger working at 125kpb and using a special canbus protocol. How can I add a driver sending and quering with this canbus protocol (I already did a driver with modbus)?

Also how to change the bitrate permanently? Changing it with "ip link" doesn't survive a reboot.

There are several Canbus profiles in the GUI which define a certain protocol and bitrate so I would assume that adding a new canbus profile with an extra service would be the way to go. But how to add these new profile and how to associate a driver service with this profile?

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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

@carsten2 The GUI provisions and configures the CAN interfaces and sets the speed based on the profile. You will need to create a script that runs and sets the speed to what you require, somehow you will need to get it to run after the GUI has provisioned the CAN interfaces..

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