
anna-zaleski avatar image
anna-zaleski asked

MMPT Solar setting help

6f770c86-1148-4bec-885d-d6c1fe8c43cc.pngI have a dual leisure battery (Yussa L36 95h) and a 180w solar panel with a MMPT 100/20 - are my settings correct as the panels still to stop working quite often Many thanks

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Absorption voltage is too low. Set it to 14.4V or something like that.

I found some datasheet for those batteries, but the charging voltages are not listed on that.

It does list the recommended charge rate, at 7A.

For your two batteries in parallel (if that's what you mean by dual battery), set the "Max charge current" to 2x7A = 14A.

Also check the PV voltage. It needs to be at least 5V higher than the battery voltage, in order to start charging.

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ajpepe72 avatar image
ajpepe72 answered ·

I also have two Yuasa L36 efb batteries in my camper (balanced wiring) . My solar is 385w and can put out upto 22 amps in good sunlight, but when it does this Im normally using a fair amount of power from batteries (stereo/fridge)

Are we saying that I shouldn’t be charging at that amperage? Been like it a year and can’t say I’ve noticed any degradation in the batteries capacity.

If it’s an issue then maybe I need to consider Lifepo4 for my use.

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