I have an AC coupled systems with a Quattro and 5 200ah batteries. It has been up and stable for a year.
About 12 days ago, it stopped logging onto the VRM . I tried everything. At the time it had 2.94 firmware. I was suspicious that it had done an auto update and something had changed.
I did a full factory reset and re installed everything. .. no luck.
It had loged on for a minute or two, but then nothing.
I let the system just run with internal logging to the external SD card.
A Few days later update 3.0 was released. I upgraded to that.. nothing
I factory reset to 3.0 . During this I left my external SD card out…. And guess what.. it connects to the VRM..
It is repeatable. If I eject the SD card from the screen, it starts to log onto the VRM
I have checked the SD card in a laptop and it reads and works fine.
Has any got any ideas?