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miami337 asked

Phoenix Charger - How do I charge lithium batteries to no more than 25.2 volts?

I plan on using two 24/40 Phoenix chargers to charge my Tesla Model S Modules (3) 24v batteries. The batteries should never be charged above 25.2 volts, however the selectable settings for the phoenix chargers are all over 28 volts. How else can I control the voltage levels that these chargers will charge my battery to?

I will also have two inverters running (230v 24/5000 and a 110v 24/3000) but they will not use their charging side because I'll only be using them in inverter mode, due to differences in frequency (50hz on boat, 60hz on shore power). I'll also have a BMV-712 installed as well.

Thanks for any help.

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1 Answer
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


The Phoenix charger are older model chargers and not suitable for all types of batteries.
Advice would be to use a different model of charger.
Contact a Victron dealer for more information

best regards
Martijn Coster - Victron Energy

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