
tuxedo0801 avatar image
tuxedo0801 asked

Connect more than wired 4 temperature sensors to CerboGX?

CerboGX provides connections for four temperature sensors.

My question: As these sensors are not analogue, but digital: Is it technically possible to connect more than four? If yes: How?

In total, I would need 6 wired sensores (the bluetooth thing is not an option).


cerbo gxTemperature Sensor
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5 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@tuxedo0801 the temp sensor used is a LM335 , very much analogue.

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tuxedo0801 avatar image
tuxedo0801 answered ·

Damn... I thought they were something like DS18B20 sensors.

So, only 4 sensors in total :-( that's bad news.

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pwacquiez avatar image
pwacquiez answered ·


me too,

I need 7 temperature sensor.

- 4 on Cerbo,

-1 maybe on my MultiPlus2.

And not on my BMV because only for positivé I think

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You can use Mopeka temperature sensors with the GX device. Yes, more expensive than an LM335 especially if you make your own but virtually no limit to how many you can have. And they are lots more accurate.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

I believe you mean the Ruuvi temperature sensors. Although the Mopeka level sensors do report temperature which is displayed in the Device List, it is not treated as a true temperature i.e. it can not be displayed on its own or used to trigger a relay.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem pwfarnell commented ·
Yes of course, Ruuvi Tag, not Mopeka. Sorry.
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pwacquiez avatar image
pwacquiez answered ·

thank you for the idea of the RUUVI.

This solution requires additional 3V button batteries.

And, for my part, the Bluetooth adapter (TP LINK UB400) because I have the first version of the Cerbo. But today it works.

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