I have been having problems with my battery system in my second hand caravan. I fitted a smart shunt, and watched the video on recommended settings and input them to the app.
I have 2 x 105ah AGM batteries and 2 180 w panels and a 100w blanket
Batteries are about 3 years old but probably sat for first 2 years unused but with solar input
I expect that I can bank on 100ah of usable power
settings are Battery capacity 210
Charged voltage 14.2
Discharge floor 50%
Tail current 6%
charged detection time 3 minutes
Peukert 1.25
Charge efficiency 80%
Current threshold 0.1
Batteries are charging during the day from solar, and usually get to around 95% by the time the sun starts to set (I know it sounds like I haven’t got enough solar but that’s a seperate issue I will address when I am able as I’m currently in the middle of outback Australia)
If I run things in the evening/night ( background caravan stuff, 12v TV for 3 hours and Starlink overnight) my system “Projecta” cuts out (10.5v), but the shunt shows about 80% and 64ah used, so it shouldn’t be cutting out I would think.
I would really appreciate some help with working out what the problem is.