
Wayne & Christine avatar image
Wayne & Christine asked

Multipluss 5000/24/240Vdoes not switch over to shore power

Hoping to get some help with my MultiPlus 5000/24/240V that does not switch over to shore power. There is shore power being supplied to the MP as confirmed by measuring AC Input connections inside and with VE Configure 3 software connection, but the transfer switch does not click on as it usually does after 20 seconds or so. Green LED light for Inverter is on and no other LED's are on or blinking.

I have not made any changes to the setup of this MP and the only possible anomaly I can find is that the AC Input is 277V which is a bit above the stated AC Input range of 185-265V.
When I connect to this MP with VE Configure 3 it does show the UMains V as being 277V and this is in RED which I assume is because it is above the limit of 265V.
I have checked the other Shore Power pedestals here in the marina and they are showing 129V which is unusually high and then when this goes through my Victron Isolation Transformer it comes out as 277V.

If the AC Input voltage to a MP is too high will this prevent it from activating the Transfer Switch and turning on the Charger?

Any help or suggestions much appreciated.

chargershorepowertransfer switch
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The input voltage at the marina is your problem. Victron is working as designed to prevent damage and safety issues from the high supply voltage. The isolation transformer increases voltage slightly to compensate for low marina voltages.

AFIK you have to find a way of dropping the marina voltage. Maybe consult them or their electrician. Good luck.

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Wayne & Christine avatar image
Wayne & Christine answered ·

Thanks for the prompt response, what I expected but was hoping there is a way I could adjust on my side as the marina can't seem to do anything to reduce the AC voltage into the marina.

Is there any way that I can adjust the AC Input voltage limit setting on my MultiPlus units? The current input voltage from the shore power pedestals in the marina is about 128V going into the Isolation Transformer which then delivers about 277VAC out and into the MP units. So this 277VAC is not too much over the 265VAC limit but I don't know if there is anyway I can increase the upper 265VAC limit to get my chargers working?

If there is a way to increase the upper Input VAC limit please do let me know and I'll try that.



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