I bought a boat and am redoing the electrics.
Reading for a long time now but I am still unsure how to connect my new setup in the best way.
I have:
- AGM for Anchor
- AGM for starter
- LiFePo4 with REC ABMS for service
- Balmar 100A Alternator
- Smart Aternator Regulator but only with AGM profiles
- Mastervolt 75A Chargemaster Plus Charger with three outputs
- Solar MPPT
Now, should I go:
1. All charging (alternator, mppt, chargemaster) to a general charge bus, then three DCDC to every Bank
2. All charging to a charge bus and then two DCDC - AGM and Lithium
3. Alternator charging to isolating Diode, from there one DCDC to the two AGM and one DCDC to the Lithium, and for shore from Chargemaster one to the DCDC to AGM and one to the DCDC to Lithium
4. Alternator and Chargemaster to anchor or starter bank, from that one one DCDC to the other AGM and one to the Lithium
5. Alternator to diode, directly to AGM and from one of them to the Lithium
Sidenote, I need to reduce the output of the alternator to about 50% to not overheat it as my regulator does not have alternator temperature input.