
edontheroad avatar image
edontheroad asked

Multiplus II 12/3000/120 shuts down

I know there has been similar questions but I could not locate the fix for my unit. VMPII with 3 Battleborn batteries, VE bus smart daggle, and Victron battery monitor. My MPII kills power to my RV randomly but immediately comes back on. No faults, no power fluctuations, no overloads or patterns. I have had it for almost two years and it has done this since installation. It does it once a day to once a week to once every two month-random. I know it is the MPII because I had it installed in my previous RV and as soon as I moved it to my current RV it continued. I just loose 120v appliances. Any help would be appreciated.

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1 Answer
rata1 avatar image
rata1 answered ·

I had something similar. Check the connections on the remote on/off. One of mine was not done up at all and randomly shut down. Very frustrating!

See my post -

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