
mogul avatar image
mogul asked

phoenix 12/250 keeps blowing it's fuse

Trying out a brand new Phoenix 12/250 on the test bench. Hooked up 12V from a lead acid battery though a 30A blade fuse, 10mm2 cables.

It has no problems running lights.

Next I hooked up a small fridge, usually draws about 70W, so I expected it to be with a good margin to the inverter's max.

Then, when switching on, a short brrr and then a snap from the fuse.

Manual seems not to recommend a proper fuse, only that it internally has a 60A, but I like to have fuses close to the battery.

Phoenix Inverterfuses
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@mogul your small fridge is likely to have a start up current of 10 times the running current.

You will never get it running using a 30a fuse.

Your unlikely to get it running with a 250va inverter.

My 55-65w fridge will draw up to 80a @ 12v to get running.

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mogul avatar image
mogul answered ·

Ahh, then it make sense. Good. I will run a few more tests before deploying the unit on the boat where it will mainly charge laptops.


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Related Resources

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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Phoenix Inverter product page

Phoenix Inverter Smart product page