
avisser avatar image
avisser asked

Zero net power input from grid across 3 phases while using only 1 Multiplus-II

For my home in the Netherlands, I'd like to achieve a net zero output to the grid using only 1 MultiPlus inverter while having 3 phase grid connection.

This would mean that when I have my multiplus on P1 and a load on one of the other phases (L2,L3) I would have to "actively" export on L1, drawing power from the battery/PV.

The smart meter (grid) will offset energy exports and imports across the 3 different phases. This should allow me to offset any consumers on 1 phase with an export on another, effectively keeping the meter at zero.


In the Netherlands today you can (still) export your access power to the grid and subtract the export form your import on your annual bill (at equal rates). This system is fantastic however, it is scheduled to change and in the future you will no longer get the same rates for the power you deliver to the grid as when you buy.

For my system I'm looking to find a solution the does not require me to buy an inverter for each phase and allows me to minimise net my power import, across all phases.

Below I've drafted a schematic for the system I'm planning to build. For my question here I assume the battery is already installed.


Does anyone have experience with such a system, any advice?

Multiplus-IIEnergy Meter
schemahomeen.png (809.9 KiB)
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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·
I think the standard ESS will do that, but you will need to add the three phase power meter to read the loads on the other phases. Check by reading Victron's document on the ESS.
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, you can do that see: chapter 7.2 in the ESS design manual,
you will need a 3 phase meter on grid input as in your schematic

the multiplus will compensate the other phase's as best as it can, you will not get a 100% zero

(im from the netherlands and have a 3 phase ESS system that works in a similar way)

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avisser avatar image avisser commented ·
Thanks a lot.

Greetings form the Netherlands :)

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castijn avatar image castijn commented ·
Indeed, works perfect.

I have 1 Multiplus (on L1) in a 3 phase system (and a 3 phase Energy meter).

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patricknl avatar image
patricknl answered ·

Make sure you get the new meter type, this will readout and compensate faster when the firmware update for it lands. Beta testers said it makes a lot difference...

My setup is like Duivert and indeed netzero is not achievable at this moment, nearly netzero is most of the year... Also considering your PV setup and your needs (a regular boiler? And a heatpump for heating only?) you will not achieve netzero in the winter unless it's a heatpump boiler and your house is built this year as a A+++ house. My 8000Wp and heatpump +heatpumpboiler isn't able to run netzero in the winter. (I'm also from the Netherlands so our location is similar).

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