Hello. Repeated question about power losing in ESS + MPPT + Multipluss 2 + Cerbo GX.
I have 4Kw solar, 3.4Kw MPPT, 2.45Kw Multipluss.
Day by day, after 1-2 hours having full battery, system's power decreased by 10% from 2450w to 2100w. Restarting Cerbo restore power to 2450w for some period, but after few minutes it goes to 2100w. This is clearily seen in supplied graph:
Green arrow pointed to full power 2450w, red arrow to lowered power 2000-2100w with enougth of sun. Short power drops = Cerbo restarts. After last restart clearly seen power rise, then drop.
Cerbo F/W tested 2.94 and 3, All the system is :
How can I get full power from the system?