Greetings from Southern California and THANK YOU for all of the expertise shared here.
I‘ve acquired two (not brand new) Victron 160ah LiPo batteries. They appear to be in fine shape - the cells all display the exact same voltage value.
I‘m curious / perplexed about discharge rates. Other LiPo batteries that I’ve researched have output current limited by their BMS - I don’t find such a feature with any of the Victron external BMS options.
Is this over-current-draw protection provided by fuses on the positive side of the batteries ??
I’m aware of the battery protect devices and their ability to power off a load with a connection… but these devices are ‘not allowed” between the battery bank and an inverter. It appears that only the multiplex inverter/charger accepts this remote off signal.
And this signal originates from cell imbalance - not from over current draw… ??
I’m also aware of the Orion Smart DC-DC charger and its remote on/off control.
And again - this signal originates from cell imbalance - not from (incoming) current.
Might there be any other chargers, solar chargers, or inverters that integrate with the ?? Or even better - directly with the BMS 3-wire circuitry ??
And any BMS features related to current ??
Thanks again,
Steve W