
leahmarc avatar image
leahmarc asked

BMV 712 discharge floor / SOC

Hi, I have 4 x 270 Ah AGM batteries in parallel / series giving 24 volt and 540 ah monitored with a BMV 712

I have the discharge floor set to 50% as I don't want my batteries to fall below 50%

I want this set up so the relay will activate my generator when the batteries fall to 50% charge

For this to be correct do I need to set the SOC to 50% also or does the SOC calculate its 0% to 100% from the discharge floor setting of 50%?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The discharge floor is only used to calculate the time remaining figure. See

For SOC 0% = completely empty regardless of the discharge floor value. Therefore you need to set your generator relay to come on at 50%.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

To add, afik it will alarm based on discharge floor

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