
maxim avatar image
maxim asked

Configuration help wanted

I am a newbie, in many ways, but with a lot of interest in an ESS. 
First of all, I'm not a technician, I don't understand power rules etc. (!) but....., 
While reading manuals and watching youtube, I'm now ready to have an ESS hardware-based
 and interconnected. No, not connected to the grid yet. It is an AC coupled, solar system and battery pack. 

Now my main question, who can and wants to help me with the configuration? I'm not stupid but I don't trust myself enough to do this on my own. Then it becomes a trial and error 
road. Enough manuals but I miss the essential knowledge about electricity. 
I live in the Netherlands near the capital. 
If there is a volunteer I will send the detail. I'm curious

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·


While this community is here to share experiences, it is not about bypassing installers.

If you lack the experience and background, get a professional to help you.

It will be cheaper in the long run.

2 |3000

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