I'm having an issue with seeing grid info on historical data on VRM. All i get is 'no data to display' where the graph should be and the pie charts below are also missing with 0% next to where they would be.
My system is a 5KV Multi with a connection to the grid on AC in. It is disconnected 20h of the day and connected 4h when electricity is cheaper. When connected all loads are transferred to AC in (obviously) and the battery charges too.
Why is this AC in (grid) consumption not shown on VRM historical data. It can be seen in the advanced tab. Also, other systems i have which are installed and used in the same way show the energy consumed and used to charge the battery in the historical data grid tab correctly.
I use a few kw per day from the grid but most of this is for charging the batteries, the only load on the system when on grid is a couple of freezers.