
vojtech-kurka avatar image
vojtech-kurka asked

Please make MPPT relays controllable in Node-RED

In Node-RED, there is a Relay node, that seems it can control MPPT relays. But it's not the case, this feature has not been fully implemented in VictronConnect.

Currently it is not possible to control the relay in a MPPT Solar Charger, even though there is a Victron
node offering such functionality. The reason it doesn't work, is that VictronConnect does not have the
required “Manual control” option in the list of selectable Relay modes for the MPPTs. This will be fixed
at some point.


So, in reality, it's not possible to control the relay now.

Please, could you guys in Victron implement that for us? I see a lot of people around me, who would love this feature.

The relays on Cerbo work great in Node-RED, I love that possibility.

Thank you very much, Vojtech

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13 Answers
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·
It is already possible. But you need to put the relay into manual mode first, using VictronConnect.
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Stan avatar image
Stan answered ·

I would like to join to this request, because two relays on Cerbo is simply not enough :)

Is it possible to enlarge somehow the number of Node-red controllable relays?

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Stan avatar image Stan derrick thomas commented ·
Thank you for the link, but do you have something more simple? It is too much programing.
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martin-modr avatar image
martin-modr answered ·

I have the same problem.Today I finished the automation and relied on the functionality of the relay on the MPPT. Relay does not respond to NodeRED requests.Please could it be fixed urgently?

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Stan avatar image
Stan answered ·

Maybe this is an opportunity for Victron to develop some relay extension (with 4-8 relays or more) for Cerbo. @mvader (Victron Energy) @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) What do you think about this?

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Nothing to announce, but expansion to the IO for niche applications, to take advantage of the platform is definitely something we are thinking about.
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robertri avatar image robertri Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

we need urgent to control the power -energyflowmanagement with advanced features is essential in PV.
With DVCC it isn't possible - When DC-coupled PV feed-in excess is enabled with ESS, the DVCC system will not apply the DVCC charge current limit from PV to battery.
So on good days the battery is at midday full and then the PV Power is throttled
So we waste a lot of sure plus power we could use when we can slower load the batteries.
Please came back on this issue.
How do you do this in DESS wirth Nodered - i saw customnodes
EVCS: we need also more features in EVCS
LAN , OCCP, Accounting, Billing, RFID, Switching between 1 and 3phase, gauged counters,
EM3P:we need also features EM3P for different transformers Splitcoils and adjustable CT Ratio
MPPT we need higher voltage range higher450, and best an all in one hybrid inverter with NV System like the DEYE SUN12K

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martin-modr avatar image
martin-modr answered ·

What about to control MPPT relays using node-red-contrib-modbus?
Modbus Write.

But I dont know adress of my three MPPT realys.
Is it possible?

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dariusdiy avatar image
dariusdiy answered ·

I will jump on this topic since I'm also looking to control the Mppt's relay via Node-RED, any updates from Victron regarding the "Manual control” in the drop down menu ? or any other workaround for controlling these relay via Node-RED?

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Unfortunately it is not as simple as just "enabling" something in node red to be able to control the MPPT relays. This would require a firmware change at the MPPT. The relay status is available via the Vebus but it is not writeable. This can only be changed by the MPPT firmware which would take time and resources at the victron level. Probably not something they really are that interested in investing in since they have already indicated that they are looking into other options for system expansion.

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shatterhand avatar image
shatterhand answered ·

Any official statement from Victron about the schedule for fixing/extending the MPPT firmware? I also built up the hardware and then realized the feature is just unimplemented :-(

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lucca371 avatar image
lucca371 answered ·

There is an output node to solarcharger relay control, but the solarcharger dosn't support it.
The cerbo has no relays für 230V AC, but some MPPT's.
NodeRed output node doc:

1701095918886.png (4.9 KiB)
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aaron-h-martin avatar image
aaron-h-martin answered ·

Will just add my two cents. I also built up the hardware thinking i can control MTTP relay with Node Red but then couldn't get it to work. Spent a lot of time playing and testing, until i finally found these threads.

Maybe if enough people complain they will remove it from the back burner.

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jetronic avatar image
jetronic answered ·

I would also be happy about controllable mppt relays in nodered

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der-ambergauer avatar image
der-ambergauer answered ·

I want to join the train as well.

I NEED to control the relay of at least 1 of my 3 Smart Solar 250/85 via Node Red depending on SoC.

Is there any hope that we can get this within the next 3 or 4 months or is there another possibility to control aditionel relays in our systems?


Der Ambergauer

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joeyh avatar image
joeyh answered ·

I would also like to request this feature on my mppt 150 70

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