
chebanov avatar image
chebanov asked

How to correctly configure solar system?

Hi! Can anyone help me to configurate correctly my solar system?

I have Multiplus 48/1600/20, MPPT 100/20, LiFePo4 battery without bms and two solar panels 450W each. ESS with Optimized mode (With BatteryLife) and without feed-in. But sometimes on VRM I see that small amount of energy goes into the grid. The main idea is to make system work like this:

When solar power isn't enough to cover the load - battery will discharge till specified voltage or SOC.

When solar power is enough - extra power will charge the battery.

System can take the energy from grid only when battery rich the minimal SOC or there is no solar power.

I need to survive without the export from grid as much as possible.

Is it possible to configure system like this and should anyone help me with this?

ESSSolar Panelfeed-in limit
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


That is exactly what ESS assistant does.

See the manual - controlling depth of discharge. All is set in the ESS menu kn the GX

The short small overshoot happens every now and then, if this is not an issue with your grid provider dont worry about it. If it is you have to set your grid point up a bit, but is means you will always be pulling something from grid.

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What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

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