
cowboychris avatar image
cowboychris asked

Tank 140 and Safiery Sensor

I have connected the Safiery tank sensor to the 24V side of the Tank 140, but am not getting a voltage reading. The Cerbo GX "sees" the sensor, and the status reads "OK," but voltage does not move from 0.0v when water is added to the tank. Any suggestions?

gx 140
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3 Answers
Russell Brown avatar image
Russell Brown answered ·

I have the same issue. MY Safiery water tank sensor connected to my Tank 140 was working fine. Now all I get is 0V reading from the sensor.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

I had nothing but trouble with the safiery sensors. I eventually gave up on them and went with pressure transducers

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wolfbarnsolar avatar image
wolfbarnsolar answered ·

gave up on EXPENSIVE safiery sensors Totally

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