
stevede avatar image
stevede asked

Quattro 5V on Neutral when AC input is active

I am having an issue with the Quattro series of inverters (5K and 10K) where everything works great when inverting from batteries but as soon as we switch to an AC source we get 5v neutral to ground.

When the inverter is checking the incoming voltage I see the full 120v but as soon as it switches to the external AC source the voltage on line drops by 5v and I have 5v on neutral. This in turn will cause a GFCI outlet to trip if I am pulling 120v from a wall outlet (maintenance charge for a large system.)

Is this something I have to live with or is there a setting I can adjust to avoid this problem?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The voltages will be the same input and output when the grid is connected. The imbalance you are seeing is coming into the Quattro. You'll most likely see this elsewhere in your AC system. A heavy load on one leg or a weak neutral connection could be the cause of the problem.

A GFCI trip will not be due to voltage on the neutral. A trip does suggest leakage down stream of the GFCI. Possibly a short between neutral and safety ground.

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