
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj asked

Does the Victron EV charger need a Type B RCD for single phase in the UK?

My understanding from the latest electrical regulations is that an EV charger should be fed with a Type B RCD if it doesn't contain an RDC-DD device internally in the unit.

The documentation for the unit mentions that a Type B RCD is needed for 3 phase but doesn't specifically say what is needed for single phase of whether it contains an RDC-DD device?


1) does the Victron EV charger have an RDC-DD device internally in which case I can use a Type A RCD or

2) if it doesn't have an RDC-CC device then I'm assuming I need a Type B RCD even when using single phase.

ev charging station
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1 Answer
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered ·

For info:

I've noticed another almost identical question as mine posted at the following link:

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