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blackpc asked

Smartsolar 100/50 charging starter battery in camper


I have recently purchased the Victron Smartsolar MPPT 100/15 15A 12V 24V Solar Charge Controller. I use this to operate the solar panel in my camper to charge the 2nd battery. My question is, if I can also attach my 1st battery (starter battery) at the outputs LOAD. If I understand correctly, this output is only energized when there is enough or excess energy, right?

Can you help me?

Cheers Boris

chargercharge controller compatibility
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Boris. Unfortunately, no. The LOAD terminals are simply a convenient batt discharge connection (with some protection for low batt V).

No reason you couldn't just switch it through manually to the starter batt to top it off though when your 'house' batt is up to speed. Just gotta remember to turn it off.

Raises the question - Can the LOAD terminals accept current in the reverse direction? I suspect they do, but don't know.. hmm..

There's higher end kit that might suit, but I suspect you wouldn't want to go there.

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