
Henrik Känngård avatar image
Henrik Känngård asked

VE.Bus Error 3 shutdown instead of restart


Last night I got a VE Bus Error 3 on my three phase system with three Multiplus, instantly the system seems to have locked in a close to shut off state, but all LEDs was blinking like a Christmas tree. And since my system is my summer home, I was not there at the moment. Meaning the system was offline for almost 24 hours. I checked the data for the time and could not see anything strange (like high load or temprature) and the system went online without problem with a simple reset of each Multiplus.I also double checked the communication cables and could not see any issues. I run the Multiplus on firmware 498 and as it looks there does not seem to be any known bug related to this. Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem, something to look for? Someone perhaps had similar issues with their systems?

multiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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