
kelvin avatar image
kelvin asked

3 Phase 'Power Factor' for battery charging

3 Phase offers a 'power factor' for 3 phase equipment such as 3ph motors

One example is 1.732 power factor

If I have 3 x MutliPlus II in 3 phase, will the combined DC battery charging from the 3 phase grid take advantage of a 3 x Multiplus II power factor? IE. If 1 Kw 3Ph Grid costs $1.00, the battery charge will receive $1.73 charge.

3 phase
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

As far as I know none of the victron inverter chargers single or 3 phase setups can do any power factor correction AT ALL. the only way to correct power factor is to use capacitors when inductive loads are used, and depending on the load at any point in time , different size capacitors need to be switched in or out of the circuit , to compensate for reactive load's

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