
davon avatar image
davon asked

Split Phase confiuration For Quattro's

Hi Folks

I would like to know if it is possible to configure two Quattro inverters in a 180 deg split phase with the following requirements

a generator is connected to one Quattro and is used to charge the battery from this quattro only.

could you provide the settings to achieve this configuration please

many thanks

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Assuming you mean 120/240 split phase for north american type power with 2X 120VAC/60Hz units.

I am configured exactly as you describe. With one leg (120VAC) of a split phase generator connected only to L1. I just haven't had the time to connect the other leg to L2.

You must uncheck "Switch as Group" in the VE.Bus System Configurator on whichever input the generator is attached:


Assuming you put it on L1 inverter, this would allow the L1 inverter to use the generator for charging, passthru and PowerAssist (if enabled) on L1 while still inverting with L2.

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